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COVID-19 Stress

Duration: 1h30

One-on-One Session NOT AVAILABLE

Book your live online session with the expert

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on our lives. Over the past year, so many of us have struggled with overwhelming emotions and our own mental health. Feelings of numbness, powerlessness and hopelessness have become so common they are on the verge of being considered normal. Public health actions have made us feel isolated, lonely, fearful and also increased our levels of stress and anxiety. Examining the state of our own personal mental health is not an exercise that many of us are familiar with. As we check our temperatures and place masks over our faces, we are now acutely more aware of that inner voice that is telling us to keep our stress levels under control.

This 75 minute class will equip you with the necessary tools to become aware of your own stress levels, determine how much stress is too much for you and effectively manage your stress levels in the midst of a pandemic. You will learn about the effects of stress, how stress affects our minds and bodies, and strategies for coping with your own stress effectively. Learning to cope with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about, and those around you become more resilient.

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